पश्यामि त्वां सर्वतोऽनन्तरूपम्।
नान्तं न मध्यं न पुनस्तवादिं
पश्यामि विश्वेश्वर विश्वरूप।।11.16।।
।।11.16।। हे विश्वेश्वर मैं आपकी अनेक बाहु? उदर? मुख और नेत्रों से युक्त तथा सब ओर से अनन्त रूपों वाला देखता हूँ। हे विश्वरूप मैं आपके न अन्त को देखता हूँ और न मध्य को और न आदि को।।
Everywhere from every angle of vision could be seen infinite amounts of unlimited arms, stomachs, faces, and eyes. The word visvesvara means Lord of the universe and visvarupa the divine universal form denotes the Supreme Lord to whom all the cosmos is part of His transcendental body. As the Supreme Lord Krishna is ananta or endless it is understandable that He has no beginning, middle or end and this was perceived by Arjuna.