तस्मात्प्रणम्य प्रणिधाय कायं
प्रसादये त्वामहमीशमीड्यम्।
पितेव पुत्रस्य सखेव सख्युः
प्रियः प्रियायार्हसि देव सोढुम्।।11.44।।
11.44 Therefore, bowing down, prostrating my body, I crave Thy forgiveness, O adorable Lord. As a father forgives his son, a friend his (dear) friend, a lover his beloved, even so shouldst Thou forgive me, O God.
11.44 तस्मात् therefore? प्रणम्य saluting? प्रणिधाय having bent? कायम् body? प्रसादये crave forgiveness? त्वाम् Thee? अहम् I? ईशम् the Lord? ईड्यम् adorable? पिता father? प्रियः beloved? प्रियायाः to the beloved? अर्हसि (Thou) shouldst? देव O God? सोढुम् to bear.Commentary O Lord? take me to Thy bosom as a mother does her child. Forgive me for all tht I have hitherto spoken or done. Forgive my faults. Please overlook my past mistakes. I have done this through ignorance. Now I have come to Thee in submission. I beg Your pardon now.
Tasmaatpranamya pranidhaaya kaayamPrasaadaye twaamahameeshameedyam; Piteva putrasya sakheva sakhyuhPriyah priyaayaarhasi deva sodhum.
tasmāt—therefore; praṇamya—bowing down; praṇidhāya—prostrating; kāyam—the body; prasādaye—to implore grace; tvām—your; aham—I; īśham—the Supreme Lord; īḍyam—adorable; pitā—father; iva—as; putrasya—with a son; sakhā—friend; iva—as; sakhyuḥ—with a friend; priyaḥ—a lover; priyāyāḥ—with the beloved; arhasi—you should; deva—Lord; soḍhum—forgive