यज्ञदानतपःकर्म न त्याज्यं कार्यमेव तत्।
यज्ञो दानं तपश्चैव पावनानि मनीषिणाम्।।18.5।।
।।18.5।।यज्ञ? दान और तपरूप कर्मोंका त्याग नहीं करना चाहिये? प्रत्युत उनको तो करना ही चाहिये क्योंकि यज्ञ? दान और तप -- ये तीनों ही कर्म मनीषियोंको पवित्र करनेवाले हैं।
।।18.5।। यज्ञ? दान और तपरूप कर्म त्याज्य नहीं है? किन्तु वह निसन्देह कर्तव्य है यज्ञ? दान और तप ये मनीषियों (साधकों) को पवित्र करने वाले हैं।।
।।18.5।। व्याख्या -- यज्ञदानतपःकर्म न त्याज्यं कार्यमेव तत् -- यहाँ भगवान्ने दूसरोंके मत (18। 3) को ठीक बताया है। भगवान् कठोर शब्दोंसे किसीके मतका खण्डन नहीं करते। आदर देनेके लिये भगवान् दूसरेके मतका वास्तविक अंश ले लेते हैं और उसमें अपना मत भी शामिल कर देते हैं। यहाँ भगवान्ने दूसरेके मतके अनुसार कहा कि यज्ञ? दान और तपरूप कर्म छोड़ने नहीं चाहिये। इसके साथ भगवान्ने अपना मत बताया कि इतना ही नहीं? प्रत्युत उनको न करते हों तो जरूर करना चाहिये -- कार्यमेव तत्। कारण कि यज्ञ? दान और तप -- तीनों कर्म मनीषियोंको पवित्र करनेवाले हैं।यज्ञो दानं तपश्चैव पावनानि मनीषिणाम् -- यहाँ चैव पदका तात्पर्य है कि नित्य? नैमित्तिक? जीविकासम्बन्धी? शरीरसम्बन्धी आदि जितने भी कर्तव्यकर्म हैं? उनको भी जरूर करना चाहिये क्योंकि वे भी मनीषियोंको पवित्र करनेवाले हैं।,जो मनुष्य समत्वबुद्धिसे युक्त होकर कर्मजन्य फलका त्याग कर देते हैं? वे मनीषी हैं -- कर्मजं बुद्धियुक्ता हि फलं त्यक्त्वा मनीषिणः (गीता 2। 51)। ऐसे मनीषियोंको वे यज्ञादि कर्म पवित्र करते हैं। परन्तु जो वास्तवमें मनीषी नहीं हैं? जिनकी इन्द्रियाँ वशमें नहीं हैं अर्थात् अपने सुखभोगके लिये ही जो यज्ञ? दानादि कर्म करते हैं? उनको वे कर्म पवित्र नहीं करते? प्रत्युत वे कर्म बन्धनकारक हो जाते हैं।इस श्लोकके पूर्वार्धमें यज्ञदानतपःकर्म -- ऐसा समासयुक्त पद दिया है और उत्तरार्धमें यज्ञो दानं तपः -- ऐसे अलगअलग पद दिये हैं? इसका तात्पर्य है कि भगवान्ने समासयुक्त पदसे यह बताया है कि यज्ञ? दान और तपका त्याग नहीं करना चाहिये? प्रत्युत इनको जरूर करना चाहिये और अलगअलग पदोंसे यह बताया है,कि इनमेंसे एकएक कर्म भी मनीषीको पवित्र करनेवाला है।
।।18.5।। पूर्व श्लोक में कथित द्वितीय मत को स्वीकारते हुए भगवान् उस पर विशेष बल देते हैं। यज्ञ? दान और तपरूप कर्म करणीय हैं? त्याज्य नहीं। पूर्व अध्याय में हमने देखा था कि इन कर्मों का सम्यक् आचरण करने पर वे अन्तकरण को शुद्धि प्रदान करते हैं? जो आत्मोन्नति और आत्मसाक्षात्कार के लिए आवश्यक है। अविद्याजनित बन्धनों से मुक्ति पाने के इच्छुक साधकों को श्रद्धा भक्ति पूर्वक यज्ञ? दान और तप का आचरण करना चाहिए। इसके द्वारा वे आन्तरिक शान्ति और संतुलन को प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।आगे कहते हैं
18.5 The practice of sacrifice, charity and austerity is not to be abandoned; it is surely to be undertaken. Sacrifice, charity and austerity are verily the purifiers of the wise.
18.5 Acts of sacrifice, gift and austerity should not be abandoned, but should be performed; sacrifice, gift and also austerity are the purifiers of the wise.
18.5. The actions of [Vedic] sacrifice, gift and austerity should not be relinished and they must necessarily be performed; for the men of wisdom the [Vedic sacrifice, gift and also austerity are the means of purification.
18.5 यज्ञदानतपःकर्म acts of sacrifice? gift and austerity? न not? त्याज्यम् should be abandoned? कार्यम् should be performed? एव indeed? तत् that? यज्ञः sacrifice? दानम् gift? तपः austerity? च and? एव indeed? पावनानि purifiers? मनीषिणाम् of the wise.Commentary Acts of sacrifice? gift and austerity purify the hearts of those who have no desire for rewards. These actions are considered obligatory and ought to be performed. Actions that are skilfully performed lose their power to bind the soul and free it from earthly bondage.Now? O Arjuna? I will explain to thee that skilful way by which actions can destroye their own effect.
18.5 Yajna-dana-tapah-karma, the practice of sacrifice, charity and austerity-this threefold practice; na tyajyam, is not to be abandoned; tat, it; is eva, surely; karyam, to be undertaken. Why? Yajnah, sacrifice; danam, charity; and tapah, austerity; are eva, verily; pavanani, the purifiers, the causes of sanctification; manisinam, of the wise, i.e. of those who do not seek results for themselves.
18.5 See Comment under 18.11
18.5 Acts such as sacrifices, gifts, austerities etc., enjoined in the Vedas should not be relinished by the aspirant for release, but should be performed day after day until his death. Why? Acts like sacrifices, gifts and austerities associated with the different stations of life, are the means of purification for the wise., i.e., for those given to contemplation. Contemplation is worship. For the aspirants who perform such worship (Upasana) throughout their lives, they (sacrifices etc.) are a help to erase the previous Karmas which stand in the way of the fulfilment of such worship.
According to the Lord, even among kamya karmas, those sacrifices, charities and austerities, which are sattvika in nature, without desire for results, should be performed. This is explained in this verse. Sacrifice, austerity and charity must be done, because they cause purification of the consciousness.
The absolute conclusion is being prepared by Lord Krishna in this verse and the next beginning with: To the manisinam or wise who are discriminative, prescribed Vedic activities are products of sattva guna the mode of goodness and are sanctifying and lead to purification of the mind.
There is no commentary for this verse.
Lord Krishna emphasises that never under any circumstances are prescribed Vedic activities such as yagna or ritualistic propitiation and worship, tapah or penance and austerities and danam or charity to the Vaisnavas and brahmanas ever to be abdicated. They must be continuously performed all through the life some daily and others occasionally up until the moment of death. The reason for this is that prescribed Vedic activities situated purely in sattva guna or mode of goodness duly purify the performer and all involved especially those in varna asrama or the natural four divisions of society which are Vaisnava and Brahmin the spiritual class, ksatriya or royal and warrior class, vaisya or agricultural and commerce class and sudra the worker class. They also upgrade the general consciousness of the world in general. The performance of prescribed Vedic activities dissolves all impurities and eradicates the karmas or reactions to actions from past activities. The word manisinam means the wise, the conscientious, those whose consciousness is evolved in a spiritual sense. Such aspirants reflecting upon spiritual attainment throughout their lives are naturally in communion with the Supreme Lord at the moment of death.
Lord Krishna emphasises that never under any circumstances are prescribed Vedic activities such as yagna or ritualistic propitiation and worship, tapah or penance and austerities and danam or charity to the Vaisnavas and brahmanas ever to be abdicated. They must be continuously performed all through the life some daily and others occasionally up until the moment of death. The reason for this is that prescribed Vedic activities situated purely in sattva guna or mode of goodness duly purify the performer and all involved especially those in varna asrama or the natural four divisions of society which are Vaisnava and Brahmin the spiritual class, ksatriya or royal and warrior class, vaisya or agricultural and commerce class and sudra the worker class. They also upgrade the general consciousness of the world in general. The performance of prescribed Vedic activities dissolves all impurities and eradicates the karmas or reactions to actions from past activities. The word manisinam means the wise, the conscientious, those whose consciousness is evolved in a spiritual sense. Such aspirants reflecting upon spiritual attainment throughout their lives are naturally in communion with the Supreme Lord at the moment of death.
Yajnadaanatapah karma na tyaajyam kaaryameva tat; Yajno daanam tapashchaiva paavanaani maneeshinaam.
yajña—sacrifice; dāna—charity; tapaḥ—penance; karma—actions; na—never; tyājyam—should be abandoned; kāryam eva—must certainly be performed; tat—that; yajñaḥ—sacrifice; dānam—charity; tapaḥ—penance; cha—and; eva—indeed; pāvanāni—purifying; manīṣhiṇām—for the wise