य इमं परमं गुह्यं मद्भक्तेष्वभिधास्यति।
भक्ितं मयि परां कृत्वा मामेवैष्यत्यसंशयः।।18.68।।
।।18.68।।मेरेमें पराभक्ति करके जो इस परम गोपनीय संवाद(गीताग्रन्थ) को मेरे भक्तोंमें कहेगा? वह मुझे ही प्राप्त होगा -- इसमें कोई सन्देह नहीं है।
One who reveals this glorious exposition of the most profound and confidential knowledge in all existence known as Srimad Bhagavad-Gita to the devotees of Lord Krishna will have their own devotion to the Supreme Lord multiplied and will attain His eternal communion. This is absolutely certain.