अध्येष्यते च य इमं धर्म्यं संवादमावयोः।
ज्ञानयज्ञेन तेनाहमिष्टः स्यामिति मे मतिः।।18.70।।
18.70 And he who will study this sacred dialogue of ours, by him I shall have been worshipped by the sacrifice of wisdom, such is My conviction.
18.70 अध्येष्यते shall study? च and? यः who? इमम् this? धर्म्यम् sacred? संवादम् dialogue? आवयोः of ours? ज्ञानयज्ञेन by the sacrifice of wisdom? तेन by him? अहम् I? इष्टः worshipped? स्याम् (I) shall have been? इति thus? मे My? मतिः conviction. Commentary There are four kinds of sacrifice -- Vidhi? Japa? Upamsu and Manasa. Vidhi is ritual. Japa is recitation of a Mantra. Upamsu is Japa done in a whisper. Of the four kinds? JnanaYajna or the wisdomsacrifice comes under Manasa and is? therefore? the highest. The Gita is eulogised as a JnanaYajna. He who studies this scripture with faith and devotion will attain the fruit that is eal to that of performing JnanaYajna or meditation on a deity and the like.
Adhyeshyate cha ya imam dharmyam samvaadamaavayoh; Jnaanayajnena tenaaham ishtah syaamiti me matih.
adhyeṣhyate—study; cha—and; yaḥ—who; imam—this; dharmyam—sacred; saṁvādam—dialogue; āvayoḥ—of ours; jñāna—of knowledge; yajñena-tena—through the sacrifice of knowledge; aham—I; iṣhṭaḥ—worshipped; syām—shall be; iti—such; me—my; matiḥ—opinion