न मां दुष्कृतिनो मूढाः प्रपद्यन्ते नराधमाः।
माययापहृतज्ञाना आसुरं भावमाश्रिताः।।7.15।।
7.15 The evil-doers and the deluded who are the lowest of men do not seek Me; they whose knowledge is destroyed by illusion follow the ways of demons.
7.15 Mudhah, the foolish; duskrtinah, evildoers, sinners; who are nara-adhamah, the most depraved among men; who are also apa-hrta-jnanah, deprived of, despoiled of (their) wisdom; mayaya, by Maya; and asritah, who resort to; asuram bhavam, demoniacal, ways, such as cruelty, untruthfulness, etc.; na, do not; prapadyante, take refuge; man, in Me, the supreme God.
Na maam dushkritino moodhaah prapadyante naraadhamaah; Maayayaapahritajnaanaa aasuram bhaavamaashritaah.
na—not; mām—unto me; duṣhkṛitinaḥ—the evil doers; mūḍhāḥ—the ignorant; prapadyante—surrender; nara-adhamāḥ—one who lazily follows one’s lower nature; māyayā—by God’s material energy; apahṛita jñānāḥ—those with deluded intellect; āsuram—demoniac; bhāvam—nature; āśhritāḥ—surrender