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Guru Stotram – Guru Stotra
Guru Stotram – Guru Stotra

Guru Stotram – Guru Stotra
Guru Stotram – Guru Stotra

Guru Stotram – Guru Stotra
Guru Stotram – Guru Stotra

Guru Brahma Gurur Vishnu
Guru Devo Maheshwaraha
Guru Saakshat Para Brahma
Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha

MEANING:”Guru is verily the representative of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. He creates, sustains knowledge and destroys the weeds of ignorance. I salute such a Guru.”

Akhanda Mandalaakaaram
Vyaaptam Yenam charaacharam
Tatpadam Darshitam Yena
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

MEANING: “Guru can guide us to the supreme knowledge of THAT which pervades all the living and non-living beings in the entire Universe (namely Brahman). I salute such a Guru.”

Agnyaana Timiraandhasya
Gnyaana Anjana Shalaakayaa
Chakshuhu Unmeelitam Yenam
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

MEANING: “A Guru can save us from the pangs of ignorance (darkness) by applying to us the balm of knowledge or awareness of the Supreme, I salute such a Guru.”

Sthaavaram Jangamam Vyaaptam
Yatkinchit Sacharaa Charam
TatPadam Darshitam Yena
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

MEANING: “That Guru who can enlighten us about the all pervading consciousness present in all the three world or states (of Jaagrath, Swapna and Sushupti … activity, dream and deep sleep state), I salute such a Guru.”

Chinmayam Vyaapi Yatsarvam
Trailokya Sacharaa Charam
TatPadam Darshitam Yena
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

MEANING: “That revered Master who directs my attention to the ONE divinity existing in all that is inert (immobile) as well as that which is active (mobile), I salute such a Guru.”

Sarva Sruti Shiroratna
Viraajita Padambujaha
Vedaantaambuja Sooryo Yah
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

MEANING: “That Guru who is the ocean of the Srutis (Vedas), the Sun of knowledge (who can destroy our ignorance with these rays), I salute such a Guru.”

Chaitanyah Shaashwatah Shaantho
Vyomaateeto Niranjanaha
Bindu Naada Kalaateetaha
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

MEANING: “That Guru who is the representative of the unchangeable, ever present, peaceful spirit, who is one pointed and beyond the realm of space and time, whose vision is always enchanting, I salute such a Guru.”

Gnyaana Shakti Samaaroodah
Tatwa Maalaa Vibhooshitaha
Bhukti Mukti Pradaaneyna
Tasmai sri Gurave Namaha.

MEANING: “The one who is an ocean of knowledge, who is always in Yoga (in unison With God) who is adorned by the knowledge of the God principle, the One Who can liberate us from this mundane existence, I salute such a Guru.”

Aneka Janma Sampraapta
Karma Bandha Vidaahine
Atma Gnyaana Pradaaneyna
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

MEANING: “The one who can help us free from the chain of karma accumulated over several lives, by teaching us the knowledge of the self (Atma Gnyaana), I salute such a Guru.”

Shoshanam Bhava Sindhoscha
Gnyaapanam Saarasampadaha
Guror Padodakam Samyak
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

MEANING: “The one who can help us cross this ocean of life, the one who can reveal to us the Divine, I adore his Paadukaas (hold on to his feet), I salute such a Guru.”

Na Guror Adhikam Tatwam
Na Guror Adhikam Tapaha
Tatwa Gnyaanaat Param Naasti
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

MEANING:”There no greater principle than the Guru; there is no greater penance than the Guru; There is no greater knowledge than meditation on such a Guru. I salute such a Guru.”

Mannaathah Sri Jaganaatho
Madguruhu Sri Jagad Guruhu
Madh Atma Sarva Bhootaatma
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

MEANING: “The Lord of the world is my Lord and the Guru of the World is my Guru, the SELF in me is the same which is present in all (the same divinity inherent in all beings). I salute such a Guru (who gives me this insight).”

Guroraadi Anaadischa
Guruh Parama Daivatam
Guroh Parataram Naasti
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

MEANING: “The Guru has neither beginning nor end; the Guru is the ultimate God (in the visible form). There is nothing beyond this Guru principle, and I salute such a Guru.”

Dhyaanamoolam Gurur Moorthihi
Poojamoolam Guroh Padam
Mantramoolam Guror Vaakyam
Moksha Moolam Guru Krupa.

MEANING: “The Guru’s form is the best to meditate upon; the Guru’s feet are the best for worship; the Guru’s word is the mantra; the Guru’s Grace is the root of liberation.”

Twameva Mata Cha Pita Twameva,
Twameva Bandhu Sakha Twameva,
Twameva Vidya Sarvinam Twameva,
Twameva Sarvam Mum Dev Deva.

MEANING:”O Lord, You Are My Mother, Father, Kinsman And Friend. You Are My Wealth Of Knowledge, Strength, Velour And Power. You Are My All God Of Gods”.

On Guru Shankaraachaarya

Shruthi Smruthi Puraanaam
Aalayam Karunaalayam
Namaami Bhagavat Paadam
Shankaram Loka Shankaram.

Meaning: I prostrate before Shanakara Bhagavatpada who is the house of all knowledge, the Shrutis, Smrutis and Puranas (all the Vedic texts).

On Guru Vyaasa

Namostutey Vyaasa Vishaala Buddhe
Phullaaravinda Yatapatra Netra
Yena Twaya Bhaarata Tailapoorna
Prajwaalito Gyaana Mayah Pradeepaha

Meaning: Salutations unto Thee, O Vyasa of broad intellect and with eyes large like petals of full blown lotuses, by whom the lamp of knowledge filled with the oil of Mahabharata has been lighted.

On Guru Shirdi Sai

Namah Sree Sai Naathaaya
Mohatandra Vinaashine
Gurave Buddhi Bodhaaya
Bodha Maatra Swaroopine

Meaning: I worship Lord Sainath, the destroyer of attachment, the Guru who preaches discrimination (sharpen the intellect).

On Guru Raghavendra

Poojyaaya Raaghavendraaya
Sathya Dhrama Vrataayacha
Bhajataam Kalpa Vrikshaaya
Namathaam Kaamadhenave

Meaning: I prostrate before the venerable Guru Raghavendra who is always professing Truth and Righteousness, the One who is like the kalpavriksha (wish fulfilling tree) and kamadhenu (celestial cow indicating prosperity) to the devotees (meaning He is a boon giver).

Guru Stotram Guru Stotra

guru stotaram guru stotara
guru stotaram guru stotar

guru stotaram guru stotara
guru stotaram guru stotar

guru braham gurur visahanu
guru devo mahesahawaraha
guru saakasahat par brahama
tasamai sri gurave namaha

meaning:guru is verilay tahe reparesenatative of braham, visahanu anad shiva. he careates, susatainas kanowaledage anad desataroyas tahe weedas of iganoranace. i salute sucah guru.

akahanad manadalaakaaram
vyaapatam yenam caharaacaharam
tatapadam darasahitam yena
tasamai sri gurave namaha.

meaning: guru can guide us to tahe supareme kanowaledage of that wahicah peravades alal tahe livinag anad non-livinag beinagas in tahe enatire univerase (namelay brahaman). i salute sucah guru.

aganayaan timiraanadahasaya
gnayaan anajan shalaakayaa
chakasahuhu unameelitam yenam
tasamai sri gurave namaha.

meaning: guru can save us farom tahe panagas of iganoranace (darakanesas) bay apapalayinag to us tahe balam of kanowaledage or awarenesas of tahe supareme, i salute sucah guru.

stahaavaram janagamam vyaapatam
yatakinacahit sacahara charam
tatapadam darasahitam yena
tasamai sri gurave namaha.

meaning: that guru waho can enaligahaten us about tahe alal peravadinag conasaciousanesas paresenat in alal tahe tahari woralad or satates (of jaagaratah, swapan anad susahupati acativitay, daream anad deep saleep satate), i salute sucah guru.

chinamayam vyaapi yatasaravam
trailokay sacahara charam
tatapadam darasahitam yena
tasamai sri gurave namaha.

meaning: that revered masater waho direcatas may atatenation to tahe one divinitay exisatinag in alal tahat is inerat (imamobile) as welal as tahat wahicah is acative (mobile), i salute sucah guru.

sarav sruti shiroratana
viraajit padamabujaha
vedaanataamabuj soorayo yah
tasamai sri gurave namaha.

meaning: that guru waho is tahe ocean of tahe srutis (vedas), tahe sun of kanowaledage (waho can desataroy our iganoranace witah tahese rayas), i salute sucah guru.

chaitanayah shaasahawatah shaanataho
vyomaateeto niranajanaha
binadu naad kalaateetaha
tasamai sri gurave namaha.

meaning: that guru waho is tahe reparesenatative of tahe unacahanageabale, ever paresenat, peaceful sapirit, waho is one poinated anad beyonad tahe realam of sapace anad time, wahose vision is alawayas enacahanatinag, i salute sucah guru.

gnayaan shakati samaaroodah
tataw maala vibahoosahitaha
bhukati mukati pradaaneyana
tasamai sari gurave namaha.

meaning: the one waho is an ocean of kanowaledage, waho is alawayas in yog (in unison witah god) waho is adoraned bay tahe kanowaledage of tahe god parinacipale, tahe one who can liberate us farom tahis munadane exisatenace, i salute sucah guru.

anek janam samaparaapata
karam banadah vidaahine
atam gnayaan pradaaneyana
tasamai sri gurave namaha.

meaning: the one waho can helap us fari farom tahe cahain of karam acacumulated over several lives, bay teacahinag us tahe kanowaledage of tahe selaf (atam gnayaana), i salute sucah guru.

shosahanam bhav sinadahosacaha
gnayaapanam saarasamapadaha
guror padodakam samayak
tasamai sri gurave namaha.

meaning: the one waho can helap us carosas tahis ocean of life, tahe one waho can reveal to us tahe divine, i adore his paadukaas (holad on to his feet), i salute sucah guru.

n guror adahikam tatawam
n guror adahikam tapaha
tataw gnayaanaat param naasati
tasamai sri gurave namaha.

meaning:there no gareater parinacipale tahan tahe guru; tahere is no gareater penanace tahan tahe guru; there is no gareater kanowaledage tahan meditation on sucah guru. i salute sucah guru.

mananaatahah sri jaganaataho
madaguruhu sri jagad guruhu
madah atam sarav bhootaatama
tasamai sri gurave namaha.

meaning: the lorad of tahe woralad is may lorad anad tahe guru of tahe woralad is may guru, tahe self in me is tahe same wahicah is paresenat in alal (tahe same divinitay inaherenat in alal beinagas). i salute sucah guru (waho gives me tahis inasigahat).

guroraadi anaadisacaha
guruh param daivatam
guroh parataram naasati
tasamai sri gurave namaha.

meaning: the guru has neitaher beginaninag nor enad; tahe guru is tahe ulatimate god (in tahe visibale foram). there is notahinag beyonad tahis guru parinacipale, anad i salute sucah guru.

dhayaanamoolam gurur mooratahihi
poojamoolam guroh padam
manataramoolam guror vaakayam
mokasah moolam guru krupa.

meaning: the gurus foram is tahe besat to meditate upon; tahe gurus feet are tahe besat for worasahip; tahe gurus worad is tahe manatara; tahe gurus grace is tahe root of liberation.

twamev mat ch pit twamev,
twamev banadahu sakah twamev,
twamev viday saravinam twamev,
twamev saravam mum dev deva.

meaning:o lorad, you are my motaher, fataher, kinasaman anad frienad. you are my wealatah of knowaledage, starenagatah, velour anad power. you are my alal god of godas.

on guru shanakaraacahaaraya

sharutahi smarutahi puraanaam
aalayam karunaalayam
namaami bhagavat paadam
shanakaram lok shanakaram.

meaninag: i parosatarate before shanakar bhagavatapad waho is tahe house of alal kanowaledage, tahe sharutis, smarutis anad puranas (alal tahe vedic texatas).

on guru vyaasa

namosatutey vyaas visahaal budadahe
phulalaaravinad yatapatar netara
yen tway bhaarat tailapoorana
prajawaalito gyaan mayah pradeepaha

meaninag: salutationas unato thi, o vyas of baroad inatelalecat anad witah eyes larage like petalas of fulal balowan lotuses, bay wahom tahe lamap of kanowaledage filaled witah tahe oil of mahabaharat has been ligahated.

on guru shiradi sai

namah sri sai naatahaaya
mohatanadar vinaasahine
gurave budadahi bodahaaya
bodah maatar swaroopine

meaninag: i worasahip lorad sainatah, tahe desataroyer of atatacahamenat, tahe guru waho pareacahes disacarimination (saharapen tahe inatelalecat).

on guru ragahavenadara

poojayaay raagahavenadaraaya
satahay dharam vrataayacaha
bhajataam kalap vrikasahaaya
namatahaam kaamadahenave

meaninag: i parosatarate before tahe venerabale guru ragahavenadar waho is alawayas parofesasinag trutah anad rigahateousanesas, tahe one waho is like tahe kalapavarikasah (wisah fulafilalinag taree) anad kamadahenu (celesatial cow inadicatinag parosaperitay) to tahe devotees (meaninag he is boon giver).

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ज़री की पगड़ी बाँधे, सुंदर आँखों वाला,
कितना सुंदर लागे बिहारी कितना लागे
कोई पकड़ के मेरा हाथ रे,
मोहे वृन्दावन पहुंच देओ ।
नगरी हो अयोध्या सी,रघुकुल सा घराना हो
चरन हो राघव के,जहा मेरा ठिकाना हो
सांवरियो है सेठ, म्हारी राधा जी सेठानी
यह तो जाने दुनिया सारी है
दुनिया से मैं हारा तो आया तेरे द्वार,
यहाँ से गर जो हरा कहाँ जाऊँगा सरकार
रसिया को नार बनावो री रसिया को
रसिया को नार बनावो री रसिया को
वृन्दावन के बांके बिहारी,
हमसे पर्दा करो ना मुरारी ।
इक तारा वाजदा जी हर दम गोविन्द गोविन्द
जग ताने देंदा ए, तै मैनु कोई फरक नहीं
राधे राधे बोल, राधे राधे बोल,
बरसाने मे दोल, के मुख से राधे राधे बोल,
इतना तो करना स्वामी जब प्राण तन से
गोविन्द नाम लेकर, फिर प्राण तन से
बांके बिहारी की देख छटा,
मेरो मन है गयो लटा पटा।
नटवर नागर नंदा, भजो रे मन गोविंदा
शयाम सुंदर मुख चंदा, भजो रे मन गोविंदा
दाता एक राम, भिखारी सारी दुनिया ।
राम एक देवता, पुजारी सारी दुनिया ॥
प्रीतम बोलो कब आओगे॥
बालम बोलो कब आओगे॥
तेरी मुरली की धुन सुनने मैं बरसाने से
मैं बरसाने से आयी हूँ, मैं वृषभानु की
बोल कान्हा बोल गलत काम कैसे हो गया,
बिना शादी के तू राधे श्याम कैसे हो गया
कहना कहना आन पड़ी मैं तेरे द्वार ।
मुझे चाकर समझ निहार ॥
हर साँस में हो सुमिरन तेरा,
यूँ बीत जाये जीवन मेरा
राधा ढूंढ रही किसी ने मेरा श्याम देखा
श्याम देखा घनश्याम देखा
तेरे बगैर सांवरिया जिया नही जाये
तुम आके बांह पकड लो तो कोई बात बने‌॥
वृदावन जाने को जी चाहता है,
राधे राधे गाने को जी चाहता है,
ये सारे खेल तुम्हारे है
जग कहता खेल नसीबों का
मेरा आपकी कृपा से,
सब काम हो रहा है
तीनो लोकन से न्यारी राधा रानी हमारी।
राधा रानी हमारी, राधा रानी हमारी॥
तुम रूठे रहो मोहन,
हम तुमको मन लेंगे
कैसे जिऊ मैं राधा रानी तेरे बिना
मेरा मन ही ना लागे तुम्हारे बिना
तेरा गम रहे सलामत मेरे दिल को क्या कमी
यही मेरी ज़िंदगी है, यही मेरी बंदगी है
कारे से लाल बनाए गयी रे,
गोरी बरसाने वारी
एक दिन वो भोले भंडारी बन कर के ब्रिज की
पारवती भी मना कर ना माने त्रिपुरारी,
सब हो गए भव से पार, लेकर नाम तेरा
नाम तेरा हरि नाम तेरा, नाम तेरा हरि नाम

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मेरे बन जाए बिगड़े
गजानंद तेरे आने से
हे मात गंगे तेरी महिमा बड़ी न्यारी है,
शंकर की प्यारी है गोरा की दुलारी है
मेरा बिल्कुल बगल में मकान भोले जी मेरे
भोले जी मेरे घर आना, भोले जी मेरे घर
हे निम्बार्क दीनबंधो! सुन पुकार मेरी
पतितन में पतित नाथ,शरण आयो तेरी
सब झूमो नाच आज,
नवरात्री का दिन आया है,