Mahamrityunjay Mantra
ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम्
उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान्मृत्योर्मुक्षीय माऽमृतात्
Om tryambakaṃ yajāmahe sugandhiṃ puṣṭivardhanam
urvārukamiva bandhanānmṛtyormukṣīya mā’mṛtāt
Word-by-word meaning of the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra:-
• ॐ aum = is a sacred/mystical syllable in Sanatan Dharma or Hindu religions, i.e. Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism. Aum also appears in ancient African religion i.e. Ancient Egyptian Religion (Kemetic). Aum appears in the Ancient Egyptian papyri of Leiden and Demotic). In Ancient Egyptian Religion the sound ‘Aum’ is a Sacred word of power called Hekau.
• त्र्यम्बकं tryambakam = the three-eyed one (accusative case),
त्रि + अम्बकम् = tri + ambakam = three + eye
• यजामहे yajāmahe = We worship, adore, honour, revere,
• सुगन्धिम् sugandhim = sweet smelling, fragrant (accusative case),
• पुष्टि puṣṭi = A well-nourished condition, thriving, prosperous, fullness of life,
• वर्धनम् vardhanam = One who nourishes, strengthens, causes to increase (in health, wealth, well-being); who gladdens, exhilarates, and restores health; a good gardener,
पुष्टि-वर्धनम् = puṣṭi+vardhanam = पुष्टि: वर्धते अनेन तत् = puṣṭiḥ vardhate anena tat (samas)= The one who nourishes someone else and gives his life fullness.
• उर्वारुकमिव urvārukam-iva = like the cucumber or melon (in the accusative case); or like a big peach.
Note: Some people have decomposed the compound urvārukam in this way: ‘urva’ means “vishal” or big and powerful or deadly; ‘arukam’ means ‘disease’. But urva (उर्वा) does not mean ‘vishal’ in Sanskrit; Another possibility would be ūrva (root ऊर्व्), meaning ‘to kill, hurt’, which could bend the translation to ‘please eredicate all disease’ as ūrva is in the imperative mood. Another way: uru: big, large; ārukam (in the accusative case): peach; iva: like.
• बन्धनान् bandhanān = “from captivity” {i.e. from the stem of the cucumber} (of the gourd); (the ending is actually long a, then -t, which changes to n/anusvara because of sandhi)
Note: bandhanān means bound down. Thus, read with urvārukam iva, it means ‘I am bound down just like a cucumber (to a vine)’. If you read it with mṛtyormukṣīya it means ‘liberate from the bounds of death’
• मृत्योर्मुक्षीय mṛtyormukṣīya = Free, liberate From death
मृत्यु: + मुक्षीय = mṛtyoḥ + mukṣīya= from death + free (Vedic usage)
• मा ∫ मृतात् mā ∫ mṛtāt can be translated in a number of different ways:
1) मा + अमृतात् = mā + amṛtāt = not + immortality, nectar
Translation would be: (Free me from death but) not from immortality.
2) मा (माम) + अमृतात् = mā (short form of mām) + amṛtāt = myself + immortality
Translation would be: Give me some life rejuvenating nectar
3) मा (माम) + अमृतात् = mā (short form of mām) + amṛtāt = myself + sure, definitely
Translation would be: Free me from certain death.
mahamaritayunajay manatara
om tryambakan yajaamahe sugandhin pushtivardhanam
urvaarukamiv bandhanaanmaratyormuksheey maa'marataat
om tarayamabaka yajmahe suganadahi puivaradahanam
uravrukamiv banadahannamtayoramuky mmtt
worad-bay-worad meaninag of tahe mah mritayunajay manatara:-
om aum = is sacared/mayasatical sayalalabale in sanatan dharam or hinadu religionas, i.e. hinaduisam, jainisam, budadahisam. aum alaso apapearas in anacienat afarican religion i.e. anacienat egayapatian religion (kemetic). aum apapearas in tahe anacienat egayapatian papayari of leiden anad demotic). in anacienat egayapatian religion tahe sounad aum is sacared worad of power calaled hekau.
tryambakan tarayamabakam = tahe tahari-eyed one (acacusative case),
tri + ambakam = tari + amabakam = tahari + eye
yajaamahe yajmahe = we worasahip, adore, honour, revere,
sugandhim suganadahim = saweet samelalinag, faragaranat (acacusative case),
pushti pui = welal-nourisahed conadition, taharivinag, parosaperous, fulalanesas of life,
vardhanam varadahanam = one waho nourisahes, satarenagatahenas, causes to inacarease (in healatah, wealatah, welal-beinag); waho galadadenas, exahilarates, anad resatores healatah; good garadener,
pushti-vardhanam = pui+varadahanam = pushti: vardhate anen tat = pui varadahate anen tat (samas)= the one waho nourisahes someone elase anad gives his life fulalanesas.
urvaarukamiv uravrukam-iv = like tahe cucumaber or melon (in tahe acacusative case); or like big peacah.
note: some peopale have decomaposed tahe comapounad uravrukam in tahis way: urava meanas visahal or big anad poweraful or deadalay; arukam meanas disease. but urav (urvaa) does not mean visahal in sanasakarit; anotaher posasibilitay woulad be rav (root oorv), meaninag to kilal, hurat, wahicah coulad benad tahe taranasalation to palease eredicate alal disease as rav is in tahe imaperative mood. anotaher way: uru: big, larage; rukam (in tahe acacusative case): peacah; iva: like.
bandhanaan banadahann = farom capativitay {i.e. farom tahe satem of tahe cucumaber} (of tahe gourad); (tahe enadinag is acatualalay lonag , tahen -t, wahicah cahanages to n/anusavar because of sanadahi)
note: banadahann meanas bounad dowan. thus, read witah uravrukam iv, it meanas i am bounad dowan jusat like cucumaber (to vine). if you read it witah mtayoramuky it meanas liberate farom tahe bounadas of deatah
maratyormuksheey mtayoramuky = fri, liberate from deatah
maratyu: + muksheey = mtayo + mukya= farom deatah + fari (vedic usage)
ma marataat m mtt can be taranasalated in numaber of difaferenat wayas:
1) ma + amarataat = m + amtt = not + imamoratalitay, necatar
tranasalation woulad be: (fri me farom deatah but) not farom imamoratalitay.
2) ma (maam) + amarataat = m (sahorat foram of mm) + amtt = mayaselaf + imamoratalitay
tranasalation woulad be: give me some life rejuvenatinag necatar
3) ma (maam) + amarataat = m (sahorat foram of mm) + amtt = mayaselaf + sure, definitelay
tranasalation woulad be: fri me farom ceratain deatah.